
The Rainsdowne players (Video game - 2018)

The soundtrack is likewise minimalist but nonetheless expertly executed. The music is active during performances, and slower when adventuring around town.
— "[Review] The Rainsdowne Players – Nintendo Switch," February 28, 2019, The Switch Effect
The music is really fitting and sweet, giving kind of a Hobbit-like vibe.
— "The Rainsdowne Players Review (PC) - Welcome The Rainsdowne Players," December, 2018, Dougie Powell (Helsinki and London), Hey Poor Player
The pixel artwork gives it a simplistic yet detailed atmospheric design, and the music complements its quirks pretty well.
— "The Rainsdowne Players Review - All The World's A Stage," November 3, 2018, Sarah Johnson, The Indie Toaster (Italy)

The sentient (Video game - 2016)

In a way, it’s unfair of me to rely so heavily on comparison to other space-based or RTS indie games, because The Sentient carves out its own definite identity with its excellent slow-moving instrumental score, its thematic stress on pacifism and survival, and its particular art style.
— "Galactic Potential: An Introduction to (and Cursory Assessment of) Uncaged Studios' The Sentient, 3/16/16, Daniel Podgorski (California, USA), The Gemsbok
...the retro graphics, ambient soundtrack and thoughtful management mechanics make it worth checking out - especially if you’ve ever wanted to be EDI from “Mass Effect 2.”
— "Indie Game Double Feature: Punch Club and The Sentient," 3/10/16, Alex "Necrobot" Springer (Salt Lake City, Utah), Big Shiny Robot

Scrub Ninjas (video game - 2013)

Gorgeous presentation, art style, and don’t get me started about the music - meditative and mindful - perfect for studying and concentration. Overall - a polished piece of indie gaming that you should be proud of.
— Arun Matthews, M.D., Nerdcore Medical

RPG MO (Video game - 2013)

I enjoy this music! I like the music very much!
— "RPG MO - Oldschool 2D Sandbox MMORPG - MMOReview - MMO, MMORPG, and Online Games", 8/18/15, Tangar Gameglaz (Moscow, Russia), GameGlaz YouTube Channel Live Stream


Sitophobia (Stop-Motion Animation - 2016)

Samantha Foster’s music plays a large role in creating that mood. Her score is playfully spooky. Eerie yet also fanciful and fun. Its fast pace sweeps us from room to room, like a haunted house ride that doesn’t want the audience to catch its breath.
— "2016 TABLOID WITCH AWARD WINNERS ANNOUNCED," 9/29/16, Thomas M. Sipos, managing editor (Santa Monica, California), Hollywood Investigator/Tabloid Witch Awards

Southern comfort (Feature Film - 2016)

With a captivating soundtrack providing a spooky, yet holistic tone, the story has a strange way of matching with the ups and downs of the enthralling melodies.
— "REVIEW: 'Southern Comfort' is a roller-coaster ride," 6/20/14, Dominic DiDuro (Geneva, New York), Finger Lakes Times